Hurry up Spring
I am not sure why but the hardest part of my year are the months of January, February, and March. The days drag out and seem never ending. I hate going to work. Work is well......... like work and not the job I enjoy the other months of the year. I can never catch up on sleep and the weather is either too cold or as the case this year too hot. Maybe I should just go hide in a cave for these months, but then I would be fired and my wife would worry. At least I get some 4 day weeks, but I am now learning days off really aren’t days off. They are just days everyone else throws back in your face and they justify low pay and even less respect. You’re a teacher they say. You get four day weeks, summers off, spring break, Christmas, and Thanksgiving off. You have the greatest job in the world. Which I would agree, most of the time my job is great. I just hate it when my job becomes work. As I am sure we all do.
And remember “obstacles are those terrify things you see, when you take your eyes off your goal...”
Henry Ford