Saturday, April 26, 2008

My Day

We started pretty early this Saturday morning. Since the house we are moving into is smaller than the house we live in now we decided to donate some of our things. We gave a couch and a coffee table to our youth group at church. Today was also Angel Food Ministries day at church. We volunteer and help our give out the food, which began at 8. We drooped off the couch and table, then helped with the food. We then went to the grocery store and back home for some lunch. Not long after we arrived at home we had a phone call informing us that someone wanted to see our house. The house went on the market this past Thursday. Lucky for us we had a few hours before they wanted to see it, and we had some things to do in town.

Our first stop was at the hardware store to find some casters for the baby crib. The second stop was Baby-R's-Us to return some things and get some new things. We bought some really cute cloths and the base for our car seat to put in my truck. The third stop was Target to return some cloths and by a few things. Our fourth and finally stop was Sam's. We needed to be out of the house for two hours and we were gone for 2 and a half.

After getting everything unloaded I worked in they yard, mowing and trimming the bushes. I spent the rest of the day relaxing with my wonderful wife and dog. I am tried so I think I am off to bed.


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