Sunday, May 13, 2007


Well, my twienties have come and gone. I am now 30. Not near as big a deal as I thought it would be. To tell the truth I have never really thought about how old I am, or getting old. The good thing is everybody else makes a big deal out of your birthday, and you get to see your family and friends. Of course, presents are always nice (Thank you to all that give gifts). Now, for my top reasons why I will not miss my 20's.

*Not being able to order an "adult" drink. I don't drink, but it is nice to have the option. And yes, I realize that most of your 20's you can, but work with me here.
*Being able to rent a car. Must be over the age of 25.
*Not being in college. Last class was the day before I turned 30.
*Have a brithday party, that most people will make. No one cares when you turn 22-29, and you don't get to have another cool party for another 10 years.

And my top reason for why I will not miss my 20's is......... I don't really have one. I liked my 20's it was a good 10 years, and if I am lucky the next 10 will be just as good.

And if you get sad about getting older, get over it. You are as young as you act :) So, I am around _____ ????? I will let you fill in the blank :)


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