Sunday, August 20, 2006


I just finished reading a book about greatness and how to be great and all that jazz. What is greatness? That was my first question when I picked up this book. Well according to the author greatness is what ever you define it as being. Kind of a sneaky tactic by the author by making greatness what ever I define it as he does not have to define greatness and that takes a lot of pressure of him. Anyway, he goes on to describe some different “reflective moments” that one could do to help get them to greatness, what ever their idea of greatness is. It was not a bad book even though most of the topics I have read about before and it is never a bad idea to take a moment and reflect of some of the topics list in this book. If you would like to know more about the book or its title or author let me know and I can get that information to you.

“We can do no great things - only small things with great love.”
Mother Theresa


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