Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Journey To Greatness

There are many topics that stand out to me when reading books. Most of what authors discussed I have read before in other books, but it is always good to revisit many of the areas discussed in some reading.

One topic that always stands out to me is greatness. To me greatness is about setting goals and ones own understanding of greatness. One has to take a moment “to identify a particular expression of greatness that matters to you.” I taken more than a moment and reflected on thismy own request. I believe hat in identifying your definition of greatness you can identify your goals.

“To identify any potential fear or obstacle that might be challenging you in going forward on this journey to greatness.” Benshea

This was easy for me, I have always known my greatest fear, yet I always seem to get around confronting that fear. We must all confront our fears, and running from or ignoring them is useless. Benshea goes on to write about my biggest fear and does a good job of summing it up, he states that in being “afraid to make the wrong decision, we make no decision and assure failure out of fear of making a mistake”. I cannot let my fears hold me back, and when faced with my fears, I must have enough courage and faith to move past them.

"The price of greatness is responsibility." Sir Winston Churchill


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