Thursday, March 01, 2007


It seems like our life at this point is a test in both faith and patience. We are moving forward with our lives relying on faith that our prayers will be answered. In a few weeks we will put our house up for sale, without knowing where we will be living next year. I have no idea where I will be working or what job I will have. It is very hard for me to not have a plan or a focused goal. Just sitting back ignites a large array of feelings the strongest being helplessness. I know that everything will be okay, even if everything wasn’t okay, not knowing is extremely hard for me. I know the same it true for Heather. So, please pray for both of us, pray that God give us the peace in our lives that we long for during this time of waiting.

“Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.”

T.S. Eliot


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